Sunday, June 27, 2010

royal drugs limited

To utilzed the herbs and other sources and to reserch and develop the areas of drugs production

royal drugs limited

To produce effective protective and higly quality drugs and distribute safe efficancious anf quality medicine in a reasonable fair price to the general public in a way that will the country towards self _ s ufficiencyin a essential d rugs


To produce effective protective anf higly

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


RDL has modern system for control thre quality of drugs . The enterprise is currently producing more than 130 types of drug. RDL is not only saving the HMG OF Nepal but also contribution in public reverse

introduction of RDL

RDLplaying an important role Nepal . It has more than 25 competitors in India and more than 15 are inside the country RDL is not able to use its full capacity and the present world level reserch and revavation can not met by RDL.

introduction of RDL

In starting to RDL these was not any alternative industries to product medicines in the private sectors .So it had facing the private challenges to produce the medicine in the lowest cost RDL has its own sales depo with storage facilities Nepalgung . beside wholesale supply RDL supplies medicines directly to various hospitals institution and foreign agencies.


Royal drugs limited production policy was 80%material was supplied from others country and 20%of raw material be used from Nepal ,many production of drugs to need 400 kinds of herbs.


His majesty government drafted a master plan for the utilization medicalned plants in 1955 and implemented in 1961 . As per the plan r.d reserach laboratory was established in 1964 .With and objectivies to demoastrate the possibilities of Pharmaceditalindustry in Nepal and to assist the labortory of do undertake reserach activities for the benfit of the country.

Monday, June 21, 2010

royal drugs limited

RDL was established in September 1972 a.d. in the Public sector as a undertaken of HMG.Nepal after a successful trail period four years in manufacturing and marketing of pharmaceutical and production unit was converted into of company act 2021 RDL is convert 45 ropanies 1900000 sq Ft of the area and company has its own building.


His majesty of Government has established two agencies namely Royal drugs reserch loboratory and Royal Botanical garden to carry on research activities to relating to herbs and medical plant of the country

Importance of RDL

His majesty of Government has established two agenicis namelly royal drugs reserch laboratory & royal Botanical garden to carry on reserch activities to realting to herbs and medical plant of the country. RDL was established in september 1972 a.d in the Public secter as an undertaken of HMG. Nepal after a sucessful trial period four years in manufacturing& marketing of pharmaceutical and production unit was converted into of company act 2021 RDL is situated in Barbal Mahal KTM. It has convered 45 repanies 1900000 sq ft. of the area and company has its own building
Scientific equipment and machinery to manufacture medicine medicine and herbs were made available and marketing of some medicine by RD reserch laboratory within the department of medical plants minister of forest later separate production unit under the same laboratory was created with the help ch of technical assistance of the British Government aid programme quite a large varieties of mecicine which could be manufuctures of an commerical scale were indunficd